Wild West like world border

I am working on a small showcase and I am wanting a world border something like that of @tyridge77’s “The Wild West”, if you don’t know it is a barrier with some fog effects behind it. Here is a picture:

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I think I know what you are talking about, you can make the world have teleportation borders (Script can be found on YouTube) so when the player walks into it they will be teleported away. I have used it before and it looks cool. Also, if you want it to look infinite or have fog just use the fog effect or use someone’s. Tell me if I am wrong since, I have never play Wild West.

Also if u want it simple you can use invisible borders, just make the bricks invisible and size them (Use transparency)

Im pretty sure that multiple Smoke instances with an invisible part behind it.

Thank you for this help, my only problems are that I keep getting a border around each of them which makes it impossible to get the seamless effect that is seen in game.

For the game I am making I also need it to not disappear when I move too far away. They do disappear in “The Wild West” however I was wondering if there was a way to not make this happen?

Hmm. I actually don’t know.

As for the disappearing part, I’m pretty sure that is not possible.

I can work around that, I guess.

I will do some digging but thanks for this.

The default smoke instance is fairly lack for customization. For this reason, it’s likely that The Wild West uses particle emitters with their own smoke asset. This gives a lot more room for customization and improves the chance of it fitting better.

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It’s not a smoke particle, it’s a custom one made with a particle emitter most likely.
And also by the quantity of these I’m pretty sure they aren’t always loaded in, or they would seriously slow down mobile devices.

Yes in “The Wild West” they disappear when you get too far away from them, I was simply wondering if I could make them not disappear as I am not worried about how my game performs (it is a showcase and is not meant to be performance friendly).

I will try this and see how it looks, thanks for the feedback.

Last time I worked with a ton of particles I noticed Roblox doesn’t load all of them in. This was last summer so I don’t know what changed since then. You can try and see what happens.

Ok, I will do some testing, and come back with some results. I added some color and depth variation with the smoke instances and I am going to compare it to that. I am trying to make some clouds close to the ground that will serve as a world border.