Will 50MB of Lua Heap lag more than 50MB of Sounds or Signals etc?

So I’m doing abit of system remaking, it puts abit of a load on the Lua Heap.
I wonder if increasing lua heapsize would cause more lag than increasing any other asset such as Sounds or GraphicsTexture?

Not just worried about PlaceMemory would also want to know how this impact performance.
Anyone have any insight on this matter?

I guess what you’re asking for isn’t done already, it probably depends on specific cases, like yours, since I cannot reproduce it, I can’t see how I would find anything useful. If you want to discover it yourself, you can use the Micro Profiler, the Script Performance and Task Scheduler windows, besides the Memory Analyzer. Note that instances, when parented may differ the performance.

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There’s no direct correlation between memory usage and performance like this. However, increasing Lua Heap size will increase the amount of work being done during GC Job for example. Binding lots of signals only affects performance if those signals are actually being invoked.

You should use the micro-profiler (as @FieryEvent said) to diagnose performance problems, not the memory analyzer. Don’t rely too much on “performance rules of thumb”, which it seems like you’re asking for. Always profile before optimizing.