Will i get warned/banned for an unpublished place?

I don’t know where to put this so i’ll put this here.

So, i’ve been wondering, i’ve wanted to make a animation in Studio, but since it features a lot of blood i’m a bit afraid it’s going to get me a tiny little “gift” from the Staff Members. (iykyk)

Therefore, do i have the risk of being moderated if i never publish/save the place to Roblox?

(Not just leaving the place private, ONLY keeping a copy of the game in my local files. It’s not that it violates the Terms of Service or anything, i’m just afraid it might get me moderated. Better avoid than remediate.)


It won’t get moderated if it’s just a local file, atleast that’s what I think. You don’t save anything to the Roblox cloud, just on the file itself. I hope you kinda get what I mean.

Alright, thanks for keeping me informed.

It depends on what you mean. A local file is not controlled by Roblox. You can do whatever you want. As soon as you save it to Roblox, though, it’s subject to moderation. A place is an asset like everything else.

I don’t think you’ll get moderated if you save the file to Roblox’s cloud but don’t actually publish it, if that’s what you’re wondering.


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