Will my game get banned for using such similar ui?

Context: I am making a prompt to say to the user that if they are in a private server, would they like to join another server blah blah blah.

However, I decided it be cool to use roblox default ui prompts, but will my game get banned for missuing Roblox’s systems if I do that? The only comparaison with the roblox ui and mine is that when the cursor hover a button it becomes a lil darker or something idk how you call it. Thanks for your answers and happy new year!

on the side is my gui, and in the middle the roblox’s one

unless youre using it for scamming people you should be fine


Well I don’t think prompting to join a restricted server is scamming lol, thanks for your quick answer!

As long as it’s not scamming it’s normal.

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just don’t make it with malicious intent and you’d be just fine

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yeah it’s fine, to make it more similar turn off “autobuttoncolor” in properties of your buttons