Will skinned meshes have a high impact on performance for my game?

Before I proceed with animations for my game, I need to determine if using skinned mesh rigs will really impact the performance of my game. The game is open world with map dimensions of 14,300x8200 studs. There is approximately 150,000 parts in the map as well. Server size is expected to be at a minimum of 25.

The rig in question is a modified R6 character with about 2.5x more triangles than a normal R6 rig. It will be applied to characters and NPCs (the numbers of NPCs around the map varies, but we can expect ~10-30 at any time). Do you think it would be too straining on performance to implement this skinned mesh rig with animations into my game?


For clarification, the game is centered around combat so it’s very likely that plenty of NPCs/players engaged in combat will constantly be using the animations. Going by what you said, the game will definitely take a hit on performance, but hopefully that won’t make the game unplayable/ruin the combat experience. I’ll probably end up testing both rigs anyway like you suggested. Thanks for the help!


No problem! Your game seems cool! When do you think it’ll be playable so I can see what it’s like? :slight_smile:


Thanks for your interest! As of right now, the game isn’t playable. My scripter and I are working on developing the combat system. If things go according to plan, we might be able to complete that along with the majority of the game’s major features by January! If you want, I can contact you when the game needs testing later on.


I’d love that! Thanks for telling me!

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