Hey there!
Im making a pokemon-like game, and im making a evolution for a creature
Wich is this one: C__Users_camilob829_3D Objects_New_RB_Maps_MTEST.rbxl - Roblox Studio 2020-09-07 12-25-03
Please take you some time to see it completely
Doesn’t it have some suspicious shape or something?
The bot will ban me for this?
Why i can get banned exactly?
Sorry i’m too scared 
w e l l, that be looks very weird and that shape looks interesting, I’d suggest to remove it to not take any risks
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The wings or what shape you mean?
The belly thing, I think it’s the belly
Honestly I don’t think you’re in any kind of trouble. As long as you don’t use the name or assets from pokemon you should be safe.
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How curious, i tought to remove it one time
This is the result:
looks much better and more appropriate
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Are you sure? you don’t see any weird shape?
Absolutely not. It looks completely fine in my eyes.
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