Will this error interfere with other code in my script? (Child is not a valid member of Parent)

Hey all, I have a pretty simple question about a certain script in my game. Basically, I am making a “Tycoon-esque” game, and I am definitely a beginner coder, so I am attempting to reason my way through the creation process and attempting to solve errors when I find them.

I have gotten this far: Creation of the tycoon, one upgrade, and using ProfileService to store all tycoon/money values.

The issue I was having is the way I dealt with the first upgrade. When a player spawns in their tycoon, it creates a part with a touch event (activated from another script)

The code in a LocalScript:

local Upgrade1 = workspace[UserId].baseHome:WaitForChild("upgrade1")

	if otherPart.Parent == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then
		if not debounce then
			debounce = true
			debounce = false

The remote event links to this ServerScript::

	local Upgrade1 = workspace[player.UserId].baseHome:FindFirstChild("upgrade1")
	local playerProfile = profileCache[player]
	if playerProfile.Data.Money >= 15 then
		local firstUpgrade = ReplicatedStorage["home upgrades"]:FindFirstChild("upgrade1"):Clone()
		firstUpgrade.Parent = workspace[player.UserId]:FindFirstChild("baseHome")
		firstUpgrade:PivotTo(Upgrade1:GetPivot() + Vector3.new(15, .875, 9))
		for _, house in workspace[player.UserId]:GetChildren() do
			if house.Name == "baseHome" then
				playerProfile.Data.home = RBLXSer.Encode(house, true)
		print("not enough money!")

All of this actually works for mt game, but in the server code, I serialize the new tycoon model and save that into the PlayerService datastore for use the next time that same player joins and spawns their updated tycoon.

However, as the above LocalScript is in StarterPlayerScripts, if a player owns an updated Tycoon, I am met with this error:

Touched is not a valid member of Model “Workspace.40358879.baseHome.upgrade1”

I believe this is because “Upgrade1” is destroyed upon buying it, and will not be spawned in again if the player “owns” it.

As I stated earlier, this does not seem to affect any of actual gameplay, but I wanted to check with other people to see if this should be a cause for concern.

What solutions I have tried?
I attempted to add an if statement at the beginning of the LocalScript code to check if the part exists, however it did not work

if Upgrade1 ~= nil then
   -- run the touched event
 -- do not run the event

Any information would be great on this, so I appreciate the help. In addition, I am also getting this:
“Infinite yield possible on 'Workspace.40358879:WaitForChild(“baseHome”)”

It also does not affect the code, but if anyone thinks this is a cause for concern, let me know. Thanks!

What I’ve seen most tycoons do is put a BoolValue (True or False) in the part to check if it has been bought or not.

What do you mean? A value in the part which is stepped on itself (so the part the LocalScript touch event is referring to)?

Like when the player steps on the part, it runs a if statement that checks if it has been bought.

I attempted to make a new value in my datastore which is a table and contains all upgrades, however, since my ProfileService script is stored in ServerScriptService, I cannot reference the new bool values in the localscript, and I heard it was not the smartest to move player data into replicated storage. What other bool value could check that exact type of player data?