Will this get me banned?

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^^ i dont know how to get to that topic ^^

Hello people of this forum, I am making an animation for my game that references something and i want to know if it may get me banned, the reference isn’t suicidal (i think) but it has a rope around the characters neck so it may be seen as such, the player wont be dead while this animation plays

reference is this image


the rope on the neck part would make it seem suicidal so it’d just probably get taken down


Yeah the robe on the neck is really the only issue here. The body isn’t limp, so removing the neck rope would just make it look like an edgy puppet. :joy:


Most likely yes, it’ll get you banned


okay thanks guys i will not add the neck rope!!


or just wrap it round the head, not the neck


Just like everyone said, but just a thing that you can make it something like this as well:

I.e wrap the rope around the characters waist/chest area.


hmmm i might do this or the head rope, whichever one looks cooler

Sounds good! Good luck! Do show me the final piece though, I really like seeing quality art.

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okay i’ll reply with the final version when im done

(may take a while since i have to figure out how to play a looping animation after a unlooped animation stops while not having the looped animation start if the player equips then quickly unequips the tool)

here it is


Wait I thought it was suppose to be a drawing :sob:

But I feel like the animation is kind of weird. Don’t you think? Like the character moves too quickly and is quite unnatural. Maybe try taking inspiration from your ownself i.e by seeing how you would act in such a situation! That’s what I do while animating and it helps a lot.

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@bbackstab I agree, the only thing I would change is how it snapped back which made it look very unnatural.

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i dont really know how i would act in such a situation but i shall attempt to make it look natural

–im gonna try to make the animation puppet like (the one with strings and stuff)
–edit 2: nevermind i’ll just figure it out

ok here this might be natural(er)

Please don’t follow Awry’s advice and recreate this!

It depends. If you remove the rope from the neck of the character then you should be good. What game is this for?

its for a game like item asylum but worse and i can link you to it if you want

A bit better but I would say make the arms go high first and keep the torso as low as possible.

okay i will do this thanks you

do you mean like this