Will this teleport the players into one server?

I’ve made a script that teleports players into a private server to do wars with each other if they’re in the group. BUT, I’m not sure if it’ll teleport the players into the same server

local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")

	if plr:IsInGroup(35025543) then
		local success,err = pcall(function()
			local code = TS:ReserveServer(game.PlaceId)


		if not success then
			warn("couldnt tp into war server")
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I don’t think this will teleport players to the same server for every .PlayerAdded event fired and condition checked, since :ReserveServer() returns a unique access code to a private server.

If you want both players to teleport to the same server, I would suggest creating a “battle” requesting system so any player could send a request to another player to teleport to a private server.

You would then pass some sort of table data {player1, player2} to the server via a RemoteEvent or RemoteFunction which reserves a server, then simply use the :TeleportToPrivateServer() method that passes in table data of those two players.

Hope this helps.



So I should fire a RemoteEvent with the server and players in the parameters? Sorry I’m not good when it comes to reserving servers this is my first time.

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You should fire a RemoteEvent from the client.

-- In a local script,
RemoteEvent:FireServer(TargetPlayer.Name) -- Will send the target players' name (the person you want to battle with) to the server.
-- ^^ You should check if the player is in your group before firing.

-- In a server script,
local TP = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local placeId = game.PlaceId

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player: Player, targetPlayer: Player) -- The 'player' variable is the FIRST argument passed into .OnServerEvent events, followed by any argument you passed after that. In this case, the target player.
    local succ, err = pcall(function()
        local code = TP:ReserveServer(placeId)
        TP:TeleportToPrivateServer(placeId, code, {player, targetPlayer}) -- Will send both players to that private server at once.

    -- Basic error logic
    if err then
        warn("ERROR WHILE TELEPORTING: " .. err)

^ Something like this.

Since I’m talking about a player-to-player requesting system, you’ll need to use some sort of ScreenGui along with a TextButton and TextInputBox.

  • The TextButton will fire the remote event when the player clicks it.
  • The TextInputBox will verify the target players’ name in case the player made a typo.

Once the TextButton is clicked, and the TextInputBox verified the players’ name, then the RemoteEvent will fire, which the .OnServerEvent event will pick up.

If this is too much to absorb, then I apologize.


Worked like a charm, thank you!