Williamwentaway / Building and Modelling Work!

Hello! I am williamwentaway. I specialise in building and modelling!

I am available from 11:00am to 4:00pm every weekend in the BMT timezone.
If I am not online, something has come up, but feel free to drop a

Some models I've made in Blender

All of these were done in the same day.

Some models I have made in Studio

Both of these were done using only Roblox parts.

Other model I have made

This was a mixture of blending and modelling that I quite like :smiley:

Contact me on the DevForum or using Roblox Messages! I don’t use discord.

I only accept robux for One-Time Jobs
A model will cost 50-500 robux.
Building a map will cost 400-1500 robux (Price will drop depending how many people are working on the project)
All prices are negotiable, this is just a basic range!

I will accept percentages if:

a) The job is a role in a development group or
b) The game/group in hand is already rather popular

Thanks for reading my portfolio :smiley:

Hi! I love your work and would like to hire you as a modeler. I was wondering if you have Discord so we can talk on there?

You can contact me on discord at williamwentaway#0451
This is a one time thing though :smile:

Okay, thanks! I sent you a friend request, my name is: hello!#1111

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