Win message typo not visible in script

so my friend made win messages for my game, and he barely gets online. theres a typo inside the win message and the local script doesnt mention the text of the win message at all.

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It says “(player)has”, and theres supposed to be a space between but the local script doesnt mention the text of the win message at all.

Could we see the code? Theres not much we can do without it

ok i will, first i need to go studio

local font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold; – Font of the text. Default to SourceSansBold; regular text font for roblox chat.
local fontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; – Size of the text. Default to 32; size of regular roblox chat font.
local fontColor =“New Yeller”) – Color of the text. Its intentionally not a color3 value as color3 was giving me trouble for some reason.

– You don’t need to touch anything below this line. All customisable features are above.

local fC = fontColor.Color – converts brickcolor to color3

game.Workspace.ClientChat.OnClientEvent:connect(function(messageType, message)
Text = (“[”…messageType…"]: "…message);
Color = fC;
Font = font;
FontSize = fontSize;

it works but, it will be a huge issue having the typo.

What line is the typo on? I dont see it

the issue is, in that script the sentence of win message doesnt appear.

Screenshot 2021-05-22 205927

The problem is in the server script. If you didn’t write this yourself and you got this from a module, the module has the problem, not you.

no, my friend (whos almost never online) made it.

Its his/her friend who made the script

Is the script located in a Script that you can edit or a require()d module?

yes i can edit it, only issue is that the local script wont mention the text of the win message, which is odd.

No, the typo isn’t in the local script is the problem. What is firing the RemoteEvent, and where the message is coming from?

the message comes from startergui, and the script doesnt have a RemoteEvent (only remoteevent i have is damageevent for the parkour, which is very unrelated to any of this)

OnClientEvent is a property of a RemoteEvent, it looks like the event is named ClientChat and is located in workspace.

Do Ctrl+Shift+F and find which script is firing this.

i found clientchat, randomly in the workspace.

11 scripts which are the messages, which probably is the reason why the typo existed.


local m = game.Workspace.ClientChat:FireAllClients(messageName,hit.Parent.Name…“has beaten Tower of Challenges!”)