Wind Direction buttons aren't obviously clickable

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to intuitively figure out how to easily change the wind direction using the built-in plugin UI.


Upon opening up the plugin for the first time, my immediate thought was to immediately click on the green ring handle on the visualization model to try to change the properties from there and got confused as to why I couldn’t increase the speed, as only the Yaw and Pitch are editable from there.

From there, I just went to look for the GlobalWind property and changed that value until it fit what I needed, assuming the plugin wouldn’t let me change the Speed value from it.

The text on the left doesn’t stand out to me as something clickable and I didn’t realize it was until I had been messing with the plugin for about 5 minutes total which felt long for something that could’ve been done in seconds otherwise.

If any of the following were improved I wouldn’t have run into as many problems:

  • Make it obvious whenever Speed, Yaw or Pitch are selected, currently the text just becomes less transparent which can be difficult to notice. Putting further indicators that it’s selected like an outline or even a radio button like the one seen
  • The ability to edit speed using the visualization, maybe a red arrow that you drag outwards from the side would make the two methods of adjusting the wind direction consistent, meaning that someone will figure it out regardless of which method they choose

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I’d be able to quickly figure out how to use the plugin quickly and spend less time confused how to adjust the speed.