Wind Shake: High performance wind effect for leaves and foliage

Would this work with dynamic foliage, in my game trees grow, die, and well, do tree things, will it ā€œforgetā€ objects if they are removed from workspace, or if new items with the tag are added during runtime?


Sorry this is a very late replyā€¦ And your question may have already been answered. I use the ZonePlus module to pause and resume the wind streaks. Perhaps that would help your issue? Good luck!

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Hi, Iā€™m interested in using this module for a large project of mine that would include 1000+ shaken objects. Iā€™m noticing performance dips here and there despite optimizing the meshes as much as possible. Is there a way to modify the code so it only shakes tagged objects within the local playerā€™s camera? Thanks!

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In my experience using a version of this from early last year, there is a WindController local script you put in your StarterPlayerScripts, and under it is a WindShake module.

In that is a function WindShake:Update() that is doing exactly as you ask. It takes the playerā€™s camera position and look vector * some number of studs out and then a slightly larger radius from there to identify objects with the WindShake tag to apply the effect.

Iā€™ve changed the studs out and slightly larger studs for radius for my different use-cases.

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Sorry for the late reply, appreciate you pointing this out, that should definitely help me out.

really great module, congratulations - thanks @boatbomber :heart_eyes:


This isnā€™t working for me for some reason. I followed this (Yt Tutorial I used and it wouldnā€™t work for me and I donā€™t know why.


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m mistaken but there seems to be an issue with the :CleanUp function. :CleanUp is called during the :Init function and self.Initialized is set to false which causes the :CleanUp function to be unable to be called outside :Init due to the self.Initialized check. Nobody seems to have mentioned this, I canā€™t be the only one that has encountered this issue.


Hi, I have a question, will the system be adapted for streaming?


I use it on my experience which has all its places with streaming enabled and have experienced no issues in its functioning.


Itā€™s already built with streaming in mind, donā€™t worry!


Follow up, it does not, and looking to see if there is a way to allow it, currently it just changes the parts to the location they first formed

Is there a way to hopefully disable this movement somehow?

ignore the frame drops, tree generator batch spawn and terrain load in doesnt mix very well

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Hey @boatbomber! Any chance this module gets an update to play nicely with the new GlobalWind property? :heart:


I agree with @Thelegender, since the release of GlobalWind, this module can gain even more performance from what I recall.


The Global Winds is in beta currently, so this might add GlobalWind properties when itā€™s fully out


Yes, after it exits Beta I do intend to implement it.


Do you think you could make it work for bones in meshes? Iā€™d love to make a rigged tree and having it flow in the wind like how other engines do it

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Thatā€™s a planned feature but I donā€™t have a timeline for it.



Yeah haha my ā€œno timelineā€ can mean anything from tonight to next year but in this case it meant the next day