What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m trying to make wind change via a script. Simple.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
Grass doesn’t get effected by the wind change.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I have tried changing the values to extremes and lengthening the duration that it stays that way.
So how would I change the value like this code does it;
local gustCycleDelay = 5 -- Max duration between gust cycles in seconds
local gustCycleDuration = 3.5 -- Duration of each gust cycle in seconds
-- During each gust cycle, a portion of "gust" will be added to "baseWind" in a ramped fashion
local baseWind = Vector3.new(5, 0, 2) -- Base wind speed and direction
local gust = Vector3.new(25, 0, 10) -- Gust speed and direction
local gustIntervals = 100 -- Number of iterations used to calculate each gust interval
local dg = gustCycleDuration / gustIntervals
local dgf = dg / gustCycleDuration
-- Set global wind to base wind initially
workspace.GlobalWind = baseWind
-- Wait delay amount before starting gusts
while true do
for i = 1, gustIntervals do
local f = math.sin(math.pi * dgf * i) -- Use sin() function to ramp gust
workspace.GlobalWind = baseWind + f * gust -- Set global wind to base wind + gust
workspace.GlobalWind = baseWind -- Reset global wind to base wind at end of gust cycle
task.wait(math.random() * gustCycleDelay) -- Wait a random fraction of delay before next gust cycle
The above code works (From documentation) while mine doesn’t. Why? (After changing the value to workspace.GlobalWind instead of game.Workspace.GlobalWind)
workspace is just a global variable for game:GetService("Workspace"). Saving workspace.GlobalWind to a variable does not save the path, but rather the value. If the value is changed, solely the variable is, not the property of workspace.
local OriginalWind = Vector3.new(25, 0, 50)
local InfluencedWind = Vector3.new(200, 0, 500)
local StartWindEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.StartWind
workspace.GlobalWind = OriginalWind
workspace.GlobalWind = InfluencedWind
workspace.GlobalWind = OriginalWind