Window Snapping Bug

I have 2 monitors and the Output window as others i use in the second monitor.
Lets assume i already installed roblox studio with default configuration. Then i drag the output window to the desired monitor of my choice.

As you can see in the full size print screen: the “X” mark on the right top corner are already partially cutted. But ok this is not the big problem. Now i will close the studio and open again to see if the window position is saved, and now is the result:

This 2º print screen i took getting a little of the FIRST MONITOR and FULL SIZE of SECOND MONITOR:

“1º BUG:” is where the border of the output window is entering in the area of the FIRST MONITOR (invading).
“2º BUG”: is where the window is not snapped to the bottom of the monitor, so i can see the background of desktop!

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We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Hi, can you please upload a log from a run with Studio, and also provide information on your monitors (resolution, scaling, which is primary) & OS. Thanks!

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0.594.0.5940525_20231003T181115Z_Player_49538_last.log (3.6 KB)

My Main monitor is a Samsung G3 Odyssey 24" with resolution of 1920x1080 165hz
My second monitor is a Samsung 24d33 75hz 24" also 1920x1080 60hz.

Now i’m with a new monitor (now i have 3) i will try to snap some windows in the 3º monitor the print screens will be below. My “new” monitor is the same as the second (Samsung 24d33 75hz 24" also 1920x1080 60hz)

Center monitor is the MAIN monitor (mon 1.)
Right monitor is the mon 2.
Left is the mon 3.

Main monitor i put STUDIO maximized.
monitor 3 (left) i tried to fill all the gaps but there is a line in the bottom i can see the background (desktop)
In monitor 2 (right monitor) i setup with a big gap in the botton on purpose and small gap on the sides.

New LOG:
0.597.1.5970668_20231011T221219Z_Studio_D2F82_last.log (76.1 KB)

Now i will save the project and reopen studio.

As you can see: the mon 3 (left) is the SAME but the monitor 2 (right) in invading the main monitor and the gap in the bottom and right are bigger. Looks like the window moved up and left

last log:
0.597.1.5970668_20231011T222211Z_Studio_9C62F_last.log (56.5 KB)

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No FIX until now… 3 months… this is sad