Window Sunrays Affect in Studio

CorrivalRhyme here representing the Learning Resources group!

For experiences and projects involving some interior design elements, enhancing the liveliness of sunshine inside involves a little sunrays magic.

Easily achieve this with this steps📋

  • With a square opening of a space, put in an anchored part, rotated to a desired angle (Like time of day), with 0.99 transparency, and color to white (255, 255, 255)

For additional affect:


This is great! I would suggest moving it to #resources:community-tutorials. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Looks amazing! I think it would be cool if there was a way the direction could matter on if the sun is actually pointing at it. If the sun is not in view of the window, for example, it would not have any sunrays.

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Yeah you could probably coordinate the parts orientation to the window with respect to the GeographicLatitude parameter in Lighting.Data of the explorer window.

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I’d also suggest putting a semi-Transparent Neon Part on the floor and the opposite wall to make it appear the light is hitting those surfaces.

Although why not just put an actual window opening there, with SunRays on? You could get the same effect by adding your Anchored Part for the lighting effect, but you’d also get the added effect of the player being lit up and their shadow casting onto the wall and floor when they walk down the hallway.

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one reason is that SunRays don’t work on lower graphics (i think around 16 it turns on) so this is a useful replacement for those on lower-end devices.

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This person is right too.

I also feel like this can be a bit more realistic for houses and buildings.

Yes, lighting sunrays can also be realistic with the Lighting service. However, I think the fog mesh is even better.


Extremely insightful! Thanks :smiley: