Windows 10 OS [Operating System] - guide

This is guide for my roblox game ([10M🎉UPD] Windows 10 OS [Operating System] - Roblox), i hope it will help you
(This bulletin board is still in-dev lol)

How 2 destroy boot sector of the computer (complete the game)

Click here for Video tutorial
To kill your computer you simply need to break your in-game CPU and SYSTEM also having at the same time more than 280 GB occupied on the disk
Text tutorial:

  • Enter the in-game Misrocoft store and download all the stuff. (it should fill disk space to 280 GB+

  • After you have done that, click windows menu (lower left thing) then click turn off, after that wait for the screen to turn black and click f4 (or click the upper text if your mobile) to enter debugging mode.

  • In the debugging mode click Advanced settings, then select CPU Informations, and change the GHZ value to max (3.50 GHz)

  • After you have done that, go back to debugging mode’s menu and click Save changes and return

  • When will you enter your Windows, enter File Explorer, and delete the “Windows” folder. you need to do it fast because your CPU temperature is increasing after the cpu changes.

  • Now after you deleted it, you need to wait for temperature to go above 100°C.

  • After that you’re done! you just need to wait for countdown to hit zero, to kill time you can observate whats happening or just chill with Windows 10 OS features.
    You will get the badge after getting the BSOD crash, good luck


How 2 fix your PC in game

If you have a blue screen, wait for it fix itself,
(wait for loading to be done)
If you did wait and the Recovery screen popped up, then:

  • Hit “R” key while you’re on the recovery screen, if you are on mobile, click the highlighted text to enter command prompt,
    and then type in a text-input box “debugMode” and hit ENTER to enter the debugging mode.

  • Now in the debugging mode you can tap “Repair my PC” option, and there you will have 2 repair-buttons, if you don’t know
    the reason of why your in-game computer is broken, go to the left and type “scan” to start scanning for issues.

  • If your system needs to be fixed, then tap “Repair system” and if its a COMPUTER COMPONENT (cpu, gpu) then pick “Repair PC Part”
    Now your pc is being fixed. Also if both your system AND a pc-part are broken, then you will have to use “Repair PC Part” instead of “Repair system”.
    If the fixing did not work, it means that you chose the wrong option.


Badges info
  • Installed OS - This is first badge, i didn’t wanted to make welcome badge, so i made this instead, this badge is given to you when you did successfully install your system (you can install it only one time, when you joined for the first time, but actually you can reset your system and then you can install it again)

  • Recalculated - When i was coding calculator, i have discovered funni ting about roblox calculation system, idk if its floathing point issue, idc. This badge is given to you when you made somehow [-0] (not even a number lol) in in-game calculator.

  • Popular - You need to achieve 2000+ total likes in leafpost in-game site, At leafpost site you can create 3 posts in a session and likes depends on what did you write about (if your lucky your post can gain likes so fast (0.5% Chance)

  • Personification - This is such hard badge, when you will tell bot LARRY in Botask (in game app) thing such as “i am not a bot”, theres 50% chance that he will want you to prove it, (prove it by saying what he can and what you cant do in the game) (took half a year for community to find and publish it lol)

  • Computer specialist - Simply badge, given to you after successfully repairing your computer after getting the Recovery screen (guide how to do it is above)

  • Break The Core - [Main badge] just destroy the core sector (tutorial is above). I have planned adding this in a long time, but i didnt wanted to say anything about that because its main goal of the game, if your not competitive player then just do that and you will be done lol

  • Laborious AI - You can get this badge by beating the hardest bot in the “Pong” (In-game program).

  • Enemy fighter - You will get this badge after beating all the waves of zombies in in-game minigame called “Zombraid Defense”.

  • Music Baker - Using MusicEditor (in game app) Edit and download your first audio to obtain this badge

  • Computer biology - Obtain this badge by downloading any dangerous virus (Wannacry, NoEscape…)

  • There is an escape. - Obtain this badge by removing NoEscape.exe fully so your pc will be again clean and fresh (rejoining doesnt count - remove it in-game)

  • WannaBreathe - Obtain this badge by removing WannaCry.exe fully so your pc will be fine again (rejoining doesnt count - remove it in-game)

  • BonziDummy - Obtain this badge by removing BonziBuddy absolutely from your computer, so you can feel safe now.

  • Social - Get this badge by joining public server, To join one create private server (its seems reversed ik lol) and join it

  • System Cons - Successfully name a file CON, which you are unable to name in the normal way (inspired by unability to name the file like that in real windows 10)

  • Real Artist - Easy badge, like Music Baker, download a .PNG file that you made in in-game Paint program

  • Under Requirements - Go below one of the real Windows 10 requirements IN THE GAME, if you have trouble finding it out, just check the official windows 10 requirements and think what you could change being still in the game.

  • Mouse Domination - Just get 1+ reset in the Clicker program in the game.

  • Interesing Conversation - You are so curious, or just want this badge, Bonzi Buddy can answer all your questions.

  • Future Generations - Hard badge, you need to think. man this badge takes years

  • Programmer - Create your own program and then publish it in the SoftPC website.

  • Caught in 4K - Print someone’s screen using PrintUserScreen() order in the ProgramCreator.

  • Virtual Bruise - Download all the viruses available in the game and then scan your computer with the antivirus.

  • Robloxian? - Play a roblox game in this roblox game called windows 10 os.


ProgramDev (Pol# code example)

ProgramDev is a program in the game, where you can write your own programs.
It seems hard but its really not. Full guide you can find in actual game.
Program Examples:

Raw code:

announcement "We have very important question for you."
openWindow:Query "do you like this game"
if>ans == yes>openWindow:Quote "Correct option - ur saved"!stop
if>ans == no>Audio:Play "rbxassetid://5153845714"
openWindow:Quote "hi ur computer has virus"
announcement "hi ur computer has virus"
openWindow:Quote "YOU WILL REGRET IT"
announcement "hi ur computer has virus"
Audio:Play "rbxassetid://2617070631"


announcement "We have very important question for you." -- announcement with text
openWindow:Query "do you like this game" -- asks user the text in quotes, giving him yes or no options
wait:ans -- waits until the answer is given
if>ans == yes>openWindow:Quote "Correct option - ur saved"!stop -- 3 orders, first is if statement (if answer is yes then) second is window pop up, third is "!stop" it stops script from running (its important)
if>ans == no>Audio:Play "rbxassetid://5153845714" -- if answer is no, it plays the sound from the given SoundId and continues the script, because there is no "!stop"
openWindow:Quote "YOU WILL REGRET IT" -- pop up with text
announcement "hi ur computer has virus" -- announcement with text
wait:1 -- waits 1 second
Audio:Play "rbxassetid://2617070631" -- plays the sound with the given SoundId in quotes

Here’s a quick example on how to use “!goto” command with “if>ans == yes>”

openWindow:Query "hi how u are"
if>ans == yes>!goto 8
announcement "bro u picked no"
announcement "noob"
!stop -- stops before it reaches line 8
announcement "bro u picked yes"
announcement "pro"

26/10/2023 - If statements changes:

  • Now you are able to compare numbers and strings(strings that contain NO spaces),
    comparing numbers is really helpful, since now you can create probability events with orders like rand;1;3;, code example:
openWindow:Quote "Generating random number between 1 and 5..."
if>rand;1;5; == 5>announcement "The number was 5."!stop
if>rand;1;5; == 4>announcement "The number was 4."!stop
if>rand;1;5; == 3>announcement "The number was 3."!stop
if>rand;1;5; == 2>announcement "The number was 2."!stop
if>rand;1;5; == 1>announcement "The number was 1."!stop
  • 2. Example with comparing what the player has typed into the Input window:
openWindow:Input "What is 2 + 2"
if>&inp == 4>announcement "you got it right!"!stop
announcement "false..."
  • 2. Example with the use of custom variables, math functions and &time:
var num1 = &time 
openWindow:Query "Give an answer whenether you're ready."
var num2 = math.sub(&time,&num1)
openWindow:Quote "It took you math.round(&num2, 0.1) seconds to answer."