Windows os crashing while editing roblox studio. Cannot open place that I was editing

I want to get an older version of my place to at least save some of what I had, however studio can only restore previous versions. The download feature has been removed. We could not join the Team Create session for place [126583312158459]. Connection attempt failed is what I get when I try to access it. I have restarted my computer. I have turned my wifi on and off. The way the crash happened was my computer just went black, I had to forcefully shut it off in the end.

Please try adding more formatting to your post - it’s hard to decipher what it is you are trying to say.

If you wanted to download a past version of the game

I see that you wanted to try and download / access older versions of a place? If so, there’s some javascript code that I found on a devforum post (which I have since lost) that lets you download the place

javascript:(function(){const host = ""; let asset = window.prompt("Asset ID: "); let version = window.prompt("Version #: "); const url = host+"?id=" + asset.toString() + "&version="+ version.toString() ;;})();

running that code takes you to the asset download page.

If you don’t want to run that (fair enough), you can make the URL yourself with the following structure:```

where PLACEID is the place you want to download and PLACEVERSION is the number of the place version you want.

The file it downloads has no file type, so you need to add the .rbxl suffix to the end of it. Then, you should be able to open it in studio

thanks, It messed with a lot of things on my computer, but deleting the registry for studio and installing the new update fixed it.