Windows Roblox App having weird Delta Time Behavior

We all know how buggy and unstable the Windows Store Roblox App is, however I have found out this weird delta time behavior.

In the normal Roblox desktop app, alt-tabbing has no influence to DeltaTime inside :RenderStepped Here is a basic timer that adds the DeltaTime in each frame.

local a = 0

However, when alt-tabbing / lost focus on the Roblox Windows App, it adds a huge chunk of delta time:

The timer is being used to detect whether a player has low framerate for a certain amount of seconds, if player is lagging in low framerate for over an amount of seconds, the game will enable a performance game settings.

Alt-tabbing in the Windows App will trigger this performance even if the user does not have low framerate for a certain amount of seconds due to this bug affecting the timer.

Any idea what is causing this?