Windows warning of a virus when opening studio

I am really not sure what category to put this under but I figure this one will do.

When I opened studio just a couple minutes ago, the typical happened. Roblox checks for updates and when the loading bar reaches the end then this message shows up;


Then a further popup shows up from windows security;

When I click on this, this is the information they give me;

Throughout my use of studio, I have never seen this happen. What should I do? Is this just a false flag? Is there some update I don’t know about?


Everyone seems to be getting it. It could be a false flag or someone backdoored Studio or something. Best not to use it until it’s fixed.

Seems like Roblox Staff is aware of this now, so it will most likely be fixed eventually. For now, this is a false positive.

You can remove the “virus” btw

Huh… weird. I guess we shall see what comes of this one.

I wouldn’t use it until it’s fixed in case it’s actually a true positive

Roblox staff working on it. You can ignore the windows security alert or some people say updating your windows fix it.


Just updated- didn’t even need to restart and seems to have worked!

Or before you have updated it, disable real-time protection in Windows Security settings so you don’t get this problem

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