Windows XP Game

Windows XP is a real comparison to the real thing

The game has been released The Game: Wondows zp - Roblox

And will look similar but not the same due to copyright Issues

Our Portfolio: Information

Update 00.1 (Release 5 Minutes Later Stuff Broke But All Fixed Now)


Version 0.3

Changed Monthly Event Page
Added A News Page
Added a weather forecast system (it’s not based on where you are)
Fixed The Owner/Co Owner Badges (If any issues will be removed again)
Added the Alerts Section On Boogle
Fixed the bug when you close start-up the apps also closed
Fixed Some Webpage Bugs/Calculator bug

Version 0.2

Added a note pad system
Added new images to change desktop images
Added A new webpage
Removed one webpage due to a bug (Coming back soon)
Updated Monthly event page
Added a working button in My Computer
Bug fixes with overlaying over start menu