After the Host announcement that you can start, say:
-Hello everyone! I’m ( Name ) and I will be your trainer for today! This interview session will have IV stages!
-Stage I. Trivia!
-Stage II. Cooking!
-Stage III. Grammar Test!
-Stage IV. Troll Test!
-Who’s ready?
.Pm ( Trainee name ) Who founded Winter Cafe?
.Pm ( Trainee name ) How many warnings get’s a troller?
-Well done everyone!
-Time for cooking!
-I would like a…
(* Choose one of these drinks.* )
(* Cola, Green Tea, Americano, Iced Cola, Iced Diet Cola, Iced Sprite, Water, Iced Water. *)
(Change your name to the Recipe that can be found on the Recipe categori here on Developer Forum.)
Do this 5 times.
.-Great everyone!
-Let’s check your grammar!
Please fix this sentence!
.pm ( Trainee name ) hEnLO ME waNT wOkr At winterr cAfE
After Grammar Test.
We will now start the Troll Test! I will be like a troller and you need to deal with me. ( You need to give warnings and at the end say “Calls MR/HR.”)
Start trolling. (* After everyone finished go to the Host with the remaining Customers.*)
( If they don’t use grammar just give the III warnings and then the host may kick them. )