Currently I’m working on a cabin and I think something is wrong with it.
Note: There will be no interior.
The style of this build is going for a semi-modern while a rustic feel to it.
Currently I’m working on a cabin and I think something is wrong with it.
Note: There will be no interior.
The style of this build is going for a semi-modern while a rustic feel to it.
The cabin is looking great so far!
I personally think nothing is wrong with it, it’s going well so far I must say.
Maybe you feel like something is wrong with it because you haven’t added windows yet or maybe the pathway seems a little off
Yeah I agree with @h_unt here, it looks great but the pathway steps aren’t measured.
Try shortening it, but measuring each distance precisely. I have marked arrows for you.
hmmm… i like this you need a log cabin porch like instead of stairs its logs and a porch
Hey, it looks great so far! My only complaint is that the logs clip into each other. I would try to build it in a more realistic way. Other than that, I like it!
Hope this helps
Yes I’m aware that the logs are clipping into each other. I’m adding imperfections to the build just not right now.
I was thinking about changing the stairs into stone.
I have change my move from 0.01 to 0.5 - 0.2 - 0.1
I’ve never seen steps so big, lol. You could possibly turn those into a patio instead, gives way for more detail too.