WIP Contemporary Bedroom [Future Game]

For the past few months I have been working on a contemporary bedroom to experiment with lighting and texturing… and also as a way to practice 3D modeling.

I have planned on using this small map as a lobby for a project I am currently working on… but before I proceed, I would like to hear some feedback on the bedroom and maybe collect a few ideas to implement into the game.

So, without further ado, here are some screenshots:

Contemporary Bedroom


Improved the cow hide rug by completely remodeling the mesh and also added 3 different layers of hair to make the rug appear more fluffy.
(Improvement suggested by @YTFTAshPlays)

If you have any ideas, opinions or suggestions, please feel free to share them.

Thank you!


Looks great! I just think the DoF may be a bit high in the first image, but other than that it’s real good.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but that room looks amazingly decorated.

Although I’m not worried about the lighting whatsoever since it’s pretty good, I’m more interested on how much TRIS (Triangles), and polygons are here because this looks like it could do some optimization checks maybe…

9th image looks like it could use some Level of details especially with the rug, but that’s just imo what could be lowered with TRIS without damaging the quality.


This bedroom looks VERY GOOD AND REALISTIC! Nice job on it!

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Hmm… the rug did seem a bit off to me as well.

Here is an improved version. Let me know what you think!
(Also, thank you for the suggestion!)

Looks much more natural that’s good!

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