WIP Lobby for a Survivor VS Killer game

Everything here is likely gonna is redone into the future of development on this game. We aren’t trying to make this the most realistic on ROBLOX on top of that too (because we want to let mobile users be able to play this game as well). It’s still in development and plans to get this game out haven’t even been talked about as of now.

Basically, the game is like Among Us, in a way. There are 9 people doing tasks to repair a truck to escape, get lights and an SOS signal out, etc. However, there is one killer that is on the hunt for everyone. The name of the game is Dead By Dawn as of right now however we might change it in the future.

I hope you do enjoy looking at the area (or lobby) we have built so far!
Feedback would be great!

All images created and owned by Boxari (game development group for this game/lobby). All images are still under development for Dead By Dawn, we plan for them to look better in-game towards the release of Dead By Dawn.