[WIP] - MEGAGames!

[ TEST PLACE (HALLOWEEN EDITION) FOUND HERE - http://www.roblox.com/MEGAGames-testing-place?id=25998993 ]

As the game title suggests, this is a minigames place. But however, this is far from a MINI games place, it’s a place full of games on a massive scale x 3! My goal is to turn this game into a game that seems endless in terms of content without making it overflow with content.

There are 3 game slots you can choose from, the game chosen will be shown on the “game tube” and players can enter and leave them at will. The game starts after around 20 seconds, shooting all players inside into a cutscene specific to the game and after that they will play. Currently there aren’t many minigames (the ones that are there now aren’t 100% done), and many features planned aren’t implemented or done yet.

Every season (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.) the lobby will be change to a pre-built model to fit the theme. Also, events will happen during these times. For example: (Christmas) you have to find missing parts to his sleigh found in the lobby and different MEGAGame maps. On Christmas day (or after), if the player completed to mission, they would recieve an extra present containing a special item & ingame credits. Also, exclusive games will be ran (e.g. Catch the Reindeer) and badges to be collected.

Little video example of the game (VERY LOW QUALITY VIDEO):

Oh also, this is my first ever Filtering Enabled game so I am quite pleased with it ^-^

Any suggestions for games or suggestions in general?

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Oh damn, I’m in the middle of working on a minigames game at this moment in time aswell.

Want to race?

oh gosh.

dont turn this “race” into another murder-type-war scenario. :X

[quote] Oh damn, I’m in the middle of working on a minigames game at this moment in time aswell.

Want to race? [/quote]

I’m not good under pressure :frowning:


There’s a lack of up to date minigames currently and I miss playing them, so I’ll be looking forward to a release. c:
Be careful with too many/long transitions and cut scenes. Nobody likes to play the waiting game.

[quote] There’s a lack of up to date minigames currently and I miss playing them, so I’ll be looking forward to a release. c:
Be careful with too many/long transitions and cut scenes. Nobody likes to play the waiting game. [/quote]

Skip buttons may be provided upon release :open_mouth:

Do you accept user/community made mini games? I have some small half-finished games laying around. :slight_smile:
(I of course want some credit if you do accept them)

Maybe, but I like to have the code done by me in a specific way to work around things and stuff… you probably know what I mean. But if you provide the idea and/or map on Skype credit AND credits will be given :stuck_out_tongue:

Cant wait to play it

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reminds me of the first version of havemeats minigames, always played that game.

keep working dude this looks good.

Oh wow, the Final Fantasy music!