[WIP] More Post-WW2 Houses

added a chimney onto one of my builds from feedback, studio graphics don’t do me so good haha

more builds:

feedback is still appreciated :+1:


They look nice, but the red color its kinda off so i would recommend changing the red for a brown color or something.


I like it but the red is a bit bright contrasting to the house maybe turn it to a darker tone of red or turn it brown which would go nice with it

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Maybe try adding an overhang sign to the little shop / store down there? I suggest using glass material for the windows but I cannot really tell if you used them in the pictures. Also, maybe try place small items such as crates, bins or just boxes in general near the buildings.

Also, for the roof of the houses I suggest you use custom textures. You can simply search up the term “custom texture” on the models section and there should be some show up.

Anyways, good work!

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