Wipeout Recreation

Hi, so I am pretty experienced in building and scripting and I’m working on a project which involves recreating the gameshow called Wipeout. What do you all think of these? Would you play on them? Do they look alike the real show?
Banana hammocks real show

Ignore the other stuff behind like the pool.

All feedback, opinions, comments, questions, and concerns are appreciated


I think it looks like the real version though mostly likely I wouldn’t play as i’m not a person that likes obby games, But overall looks great!

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Thank you, and fair enough, Obby games can be annoying. Its not really an Obby though cause I’m soon to be hosting competitions.

So do you mean its going to be a public game? Or a game that’s for your friends and certain people to do tournaments for prizes and stuff?

Ok so. Its not public. it will be private most the time, but when I’m hosting competitions it will be public. you need to be in a specific group to join the game. Its 4 rounds, winner wins a specific amount of roux (haven’t decided). When the season is finished I will make a public game with all the obstacles used since they won’t be used in competitions again. and FYI I’m planning to do other gameshows such as Sasuke aka ninja warrior.

Well it sounds like a interesting idea, When are you planning to do the first tourament? And do you need any help developing it?

Looks pretty cool!
Would be nice to add a little “pizazz” to it, but it looks cool and I see a lot of uses!

Good Question. So I don’t need any help developing, but thanks for offering. My first tournament I’m planning to do early 2021. I just started so it will take a while but I’ve been developing for a short time and I’ve made more progress than expected so It might not take long. I’ll post on devforum when its done for good, and ready to host.

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@TheChasingBoy I definitely agree with you!

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anything I can do to make it more “pizazz”?

@XxItzMrDogexX I suggest you post on the devforums often so you can grow at least a small fanbase to want to play the game when touraments start happening!

Agreed, I will post more often. I’ll post when I get like 5 more obstacles done. I’ll post them all in one post

and when finished I’ll post pics of the whole course.

How can I make it more “pizazz”?

Sounds Great! ill try to watch them when they come out! Yeah im not sure how to make it more pizazz lol

Thank you, appreciate it! You can follow me to get notified when I post or else It will be hard to find.

Maybe things like lava blocks, the parts sway around so you might fall off, moving parts, things last that.
A mix up and originality.

Yeah try to make it different enough so you don’t get a DMCA takeout down lol

So I’m recreating this off of a gameshow and there are no lava blocks involved. This isn’t like an ordinary Obby, its more of a competition recreated from a gameshow called wipeout. But some parts moves so don’t worry. some obstacles are mixed up every episode

lol don’t worry. Lots of other people have hosted competitions based off of gameshows in the past and are completely fine, thanks for the concern.