Hello, I am making that when you are clicking on a manhole it is giving it to your inventory, however the first time player doing it it is vanishes for like 0.5 seconds and then just he gets it, i tried to preload it and everything, nothing works, any ideas?
You need to show your code for people to help you.
The tool parts are just slow loading… it is not the code
Sup dude,
the tween/animation from the shield to your arm was from a Client Sided script I believe. Welding the shield in a LocalScript was probably done too. I got these issues a lot of times and people also experienced this issue. Ignore everything what I just said if that’s not the case welding the shield on a LocalScript.
Since Servers can’t read Client-Sided changes can’t the server determine wether it’s connection was set on their arm. On the client side it would look fine but on the server side this would fall off the world. You should make the tweening and welding stuff all on the ServerScript.
Probable Issue: Welding on a Local Script
Solution: Welding and Tweening through a Server Script
hope this helps!