Wishing Well Build

Hello! I decided to make a Wishing Well for for the first time, Please give me feedback as well as criticism.


I know that the quality of the pictures aren’t the greatest!

Showing my well - YouTube -link
This is a link to a Youtube video of the well i just created

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It looks good, but simple. That’s all I can think of.

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Hello! I hope you are doing good!

It looks good but if you can make a little bigger, so that its more visible,
it will be even better.
Hello! I hope you are doing good!

Thanks for reply!

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That is a very good build! Keep up the good work! Some feedback I have is to make the wooden boards at the top have more of a clear wood texture and to give the bucket a metal texture because right now it’s just white and plain.

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I’m doing good thank you for asking!

Thank you for the feedback and i’ll attempt to fix it.

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Thank You!

And according to what you said that rather sounds good and i’ll attempt to
add the textures needed!

I think it’s a pretty good start. Alternatively what you can do is instead of making it as one well you can make it slightly more unique or styled. One idea is something similar to a fountain maybe?

(eg https://gyazo.com/dfada108ec1a7e68845aff7361b6b42c)

You can also add some more details to the fountain roof (adding inlets etc)

On the whole it’s a solid piece of work. Good job!

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Simplistic is what i’m assuming your trying to achieve. Looks alright in my opinion but the roof formation could be changed since it features a rather not stable more proper roof design.

In my following suggestion try adding a roof with some tiles to your model because if you look at different themes wells don’t have a simple design. Another thing you should do add some width to the base around since it looks rather small and tight. You could try adding one that fits the build, however that is just a suggestion you could use or not.

Even if your going for a simple look or basic design, it’s decent but could use more things that could improve and add on it. Take it a step further and improve it then the tutorial you’ve watch there’s different ways to approach this.

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Thank you!

I’m already attempting to add details to it and with your input i can further
add details!

Thank you for your outreach.

I was going for a basic design due to the fact i was timing myself
on how fast i can make a well and with your input i’ll make a more realistic look.