Witch Academy Game [WIP]

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Hello @pleasedontban_me8 ! :wave:

Really nice looking !
Great work, great rendering with lighting, and shadows, and for the build, it’s smooth for the eyes.

For the terrain, as you’re making a witch genre, maybe dark colors, dark green I would say, and maybe you could also put it at night, or have a dark sky, I let you see.

Nice work, keep doing it.

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The place looks stupendous. You did a really awesome job! :heart_eyes:

For the terrain, I would suggest something like dark purple, idk why, but witches always give me purple vibes (maybe it’s because of influence from minecraft :flushed:). Nonetheless, try that along with crazy tree colors like dark green, yellow, and maybe orange.

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Really good! I like it. For the terrain you should go for a spooky vibe, because witches are known for being spooky and scary.

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did you ever finish are there any leaks?