Wizardium | A Starter Wizards Spell Book


This post is about the game: Wizardium

This guide will teach you the basic spells found in Wizardium, all spells require some form of Wisdom pre-requirement to cast, simply reading your book once will give you access to Lumos and Nox (the light enchantment and dechantment)

Please note that, NOT ALL SPELLS will be held here, these are just the base ones that you will learn overtime from earning wisdom. They will unlock once their predefined wisdom requirement is met.

Please also note that, not all spells are accessible via wisdom alone - you may have to buy them from a spell trainer with galleons. Some spells are also found via scrolls.

Alot of the spells listed below are unlocked between wisdom levels 100-300, some spells use wisdom to cast, however the amount used is neligble. To test if you have unlocked a spell, attempt casting it and if the spell appears at the tip of the wand it has pre-charged correctly.

Non-Offensive Spells

Lumos - is the Light Enchantment spell. It generates a light source for the caster.
Nox - is the Light Unenchantment spell. It degenerates the Lumos light source.

Defensive Spells

Protego - is the standard Moving Shield Casting spell. It generates a shield ball around the caster.
Protego Maxima - is the standard Shield Casting spell. It generates a dome where it is casted.
Protego Totalum - is the advanced Shield Casting spell. It generates a green dome where it is casted.

Non-Lethal Offensive Spells / Counter Spells

Expelliarmus - is the standard Disarming spell. It removes the equipped tool of the target.
Duo - is the standard Shield Deformation spell. It damages defensive spells such as Protego.

Lethal Offensive Spells

Bombarda - is the standard Explosive spell. Used for creating explosions from the tip of the wand.
Sepempra - is considered a curse by many, for good reason - this spell is used to torture and mutilate it’s victim beyond recognition. It’s available for purchase at the Wizard Tower.


Pelucim Motormorde - Blue Fire
Yellorium Motormorde - Yellow Fire
Confringo - Standard Fire Spell
Enspeedio Formendo - Speed Spell
Levicorpus - Levitate an object
Episkey - Heal a humanoid
Ascendio - Spell of hovering
Petrificus Totalus - Information Restricted

Curses (Earnable through scrolls)

Avada Kedavra - the Killing Curse. One of the four unforgivable spells.
Crucio - is the Torture Curse. One of the four unforgivable spells.
Enstrangla Kadavra - is the Murder Curse. One of the four unforgivable spells.
Deletrius Imperium - is the Vaporization Curse. One of the four unforgivable spells.