Wondering how to Make Some Puddles

Hello, I saw some shallow puddles in a game made from the water feature and was wondering how they are made. I tried to make them in Studio but I had no success.

Here are some pics I took:

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Have you tried using sea level? It’s a really easy way to create a quick, flat, and consistent body of water. There’s an article on the Devhub that will explain it here:

Just navigate to “Sea Level” on the lower right hand side.

And a forum post here:

Make a little hole in the ground, then fill it using sea level. :ocean:

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I’ve just tried sea level. When I insert the water and erode down with “ignore water” on there is no water. So I tried eroding the ground then using level but the water was either not showing or covering the hole map. I should try some more. Thanks for your reply!

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The area that gets filled with water can actually be changed similar to how a part can be resized, or by using coordinates. And, sea level will not replace any land that’s being selected, only the highlighted air.

The articles above can help you with that further. In the forum post there is a really good video explaining how it works.

Since sea level only replaced the selected air, you’ll have to first dig a hole, then resize the sea level to only cover the hole, adjust the sea level’s height, and then create the sea level.

If no water had been showing, then the box that the sea level forms in probably had not reached the surface.

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