You can’t send this emoji:
I don’t even know why this word would be blocked on the forum.
It’s because it has a close resemblance in spelling to a slur.
I understand why it would be blocked in roblox itself, but isn’t this forum is 13+? There is no reason why it should be blocked.
There’s a fine line between casual profanity and being racist.
How is it racist to mention a country? People on this forum should be smart enough to understand that.
The country name is usually used as a way to bypass the hard R
Works fine for me.
Can also confirm it works
Maybe it’s only blocked when trying to make a topic?
Ooh I see the issue now. Manually typing out the emoji name blocks it, but using an emoji keyboard works.
Yeah because the emoji keyboard gives you the actual unicode character. Discourse converts it from :name: to the actual emoji when rendered.
Thanks for bringing this up but for reasons stated it is hard for us to address this.
Apologies for the inconvenience.