Work In Progress RP Wolf Game! [Open Testing]

Hi there! As some of you may have seen, I’m currently working on my first ever game, Wolves Legacy! It’s going to be a lore filled game where players can level up to unlock new wolf species, level up to gain access to new species and more! The main part of this game will be the roleplay features as I may or may not implement the trading due to the fact I’m currently solo deving still new to coding and many other factors aside from 3D modelling and art.

What I’ve done so far is available for testing but there are A LOT of bugs and the current wolf model is a placeholder for the upcoming one. Please also keep in mind this is a heavy wip if you decide to check it out! The game does not include all intended features and has many thing’s to be developed and improved on.

Current Features:

  • Starter wolves
  • Nature wolves
  • Fire can toggle on/off
  • Roleplay name gui
  • Map models such as trees and other plants

Some Current Goals For The Next Update Are:

  • New wolf model which is rigged and animated
  • New lobby design
  • More wolf species to choose from
  • Updates to the lighting
  • Minor bug fixing especially to enable players to be able to pick up items

In the long run, I would like to implement a ton more features such as weather, updating the map/improving the map, adding animations, npc’s for players to interact with and lot’s more! This game is furthermore inspired by game’s on the platform such as Shyfoox’s game Wolves Life as well as various other animal rp games. Any suggestions or feedback is highly appreciated but please keep in mind when commenting that I am currently the only one working on this (aside from my concept artist!) and that the game has a long way to go before it get’s to where I intend for it to be. :slight_smile:


Here’s some quick screenies of stuff I’ve done so far also for the next major update where I will be implementing new models as well as updating majority of the current thing’s in game: