Work in progress snowy road




Its cool, I like it. The car doesn’t fit in really well though.

why does the car not fit in, can you explain?

it seems too ‘high poly’…
sorta weird.
i cant really explain it well

how is it too high poly for the thing, i don’t get it

it isn’t, it just looks a bit WEIRD to me


update improved lighting

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Looks extremely good! I like the snow marks that resemble the tire path, although I complete render, I enjoy the aspects added already. Looks quite realistic to me! Keep it up.

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This is a realistic render, models must be high poly. If you have feedback, please have specific reasons and informative value behind it.


Amazing. Simply Amazing.


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Looks like real life…


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This is a realistic build, so high poly is necessary. If the car was low poly, then I would understand but… I think the car fits in amazingly. Strange that you think of it that way, but I respect your opinion. ~happy

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That looks like real life , good job :))

How do you do this kind of terrain?

no way thats roblox, if that baseplate wasnt there it would look legit

its not a render tho… it’s just something cuz i got bored

And sadly, roblox lowered the resolution of the textures.

replaced cadillac + making it bigger (cadillac already been in some stuff sooo no need for anythin with it)

Are you sure you didn’t just take a picture outside and edit in the baseplate? (you cant fool me.) Jokes aside that is really cool, nice work friend! :slight_smile:

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I looked at this at first and thought is was a real picture but then I saw the baseplate and realized it was Roblox. If you want to add more realism and more displacement. There is displacement it is just over lapping and it makes the build look unrealistic but other wise this is a nice build even if you don’t change it. It stills looks very real and cool. It could use some leafs under the trees and maybe some rocks.