Hello, I am DrezSlap I am a builder and scripter I came in Roblox around 3-2 years moved accounts etc,
I am now looking for work.
I will be for free until I do want to be paid.
What do I want?
I want a job that’s based on a café around 10-50k members and that has high professional staff.
Contact Info
Discord DrezSlap#3348
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Hi im looking forward to work with you i tried your discord bt it is not working so here is mine scumpyy#5770 add me so we can talk
Added you on discord: DevFrags#2441
We can discuss more there! Thanks.
Edit: Your discord is wrong
I can’t tell if the people replying here know that this is a 5 months old thread and the OP is suspended on the forum and his Roblox account has been terminated.
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