Working around the 1000 result limit using AvatarEditorService?

So recently I’ve been fascinated with Catalog Heaven, and how Seranok was able to scrape past the API’s limit to load a 1000 results, even having to follow the limitations of the Catalog API or the AvatarEditorService. After a lot of testing and to no avail, I came to the DevForum and found other users with the same issue. Someone posted a link from Seranok which goes into detail about how he made Catalog Heaven, but unfortunately the link is invalid, and I’m back to square one.

Edit: I noticed that the more recent game, “Catalog Avatar Creator” is able to overcome the scraping limitation as well, it must be possible.

Has anyone had this problem, or know a workaround? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I think there should be APIs for stuff like this. There might also be a parameter method for the service too.