Working Mirror (Don't Know Where This Belongs)

I don’t know if there is scripting involved, so I will put it here (please tell me if it should be in Scripting Support)

I just want to know how to make a mirror that reflects the room and your avatar. Basically just a mirror from real life. Please tell me how to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance.

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It should be. This is not something you can do with just a simple build (technically you could mock a room, but this wouldn’t mock dynamic objects and would end up bulky). The best way of doing this would probably be with ViewportFrames.


I would recommend making the mirror from a ViewPortFrame, Here’s a link on it: Frames | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

And scripting is involved in this process

Beware, that is a GUI, and if you want to make a mirror, You have to turn that into a SurfaceGUI
I know you know how to turn it around