Working on a "Reactor CORE" type game [Devlog]

Been here since day one. Progress is insane can’t wait to try this game


Probably one of the best developers ever seen…


Does the game already have a relatively fleshed out game loop, or not yet?


I love those games. Keep up the good work with this project


This game is so good! I can’t wait for it to release! I wonder what the startup sequence is like, the meltdown temperature and meltdown sequence. (also is the startup sequence even finished!?)

Also, instead of doing a “freezedown,” try doing a “combustion stall” a.k.a. “reaction loss.” This is due to extremely low temperatures and after two minutes the event begins, the core will shut down and all systems will fully need to be restarted, requiring you to do the startup sequence all over again.

Some suggestions for the meltdown:

During the first moments of the meltdown, have an option called an “Emergency Reactor Termination” to become available. The Core will self destruct in 8 minutes, and the Termination Protocol expires in T-4 Minutes.

The Termination Protocol should have external and internal heating lasers kill switch, and more kill switches for reactor systems. Then a button that would need to be pressed to shutdown the reactor. The shutdown sequence would have a 50/50 chance of succeeding or failing. If the shutdown sequence succeeds, the core will basically shutdown. If the shutdown sequence fails, the meltdown will continue.

After the meltdown continues (the 4 min mark), the temperature, pressure & radiation levels should start to increase rapidly. Preferably, 10,000 ºF every 4 seconds. The core “hum” sound will also rapidly increase in pitch, and it’s structure will start to glow red. At this point, a total facility evacuation should be ordered, requiring everyone to hide in a blast shelter or evacuate the facility. The Emergency Termination Protocol expires at this point, and a “Forced Shutdown” can be attempted. (Everyone should have 90 seconds to do this, so beginning this procedure should be recommended at around 30 seconds before the regular shutdown expires)

At the final moments of the meltdown (1 minute), reactor monitoring systems should break and display “ERROR,” servers and reactor systems begin failing, and the core structure will be set on fire. Use particle emitters for the fire effect because that’s how most core games do it.

When the timer hits 30 seconds, the screen should shake almost excessively until the reactor structure would collapse and all the plasma from the core will remain in the form of a ball that looks like it’s ready to explode. During the last 10 seconds, the facility power should fail and when the timer reaches zero, the core should explode and destroy the facility, I mean, just literally it destroys the facility and everything around the facility’s boundaries.

Meltdown Temp Suggestion: 300M ºC (you don’t have to use this temperature, but you can if you want)
Combustion Stall or Reaction Loss Temp Suggestion: 75M ºC

(I’m sorry if I am suggesting too much, it’s just me giving you some ideas for the meltdown sequence! :slight_smile:)


thanks for all those great ideas and advices I’m sure that they are going to be very helpful


I’ve been silently following this, it’s CRAZY how much progress you’ve made. Keep it up?


The attention to detail is quite stunning! Keep up the good work!


i’ve been silently reading all of this back when i first started reading devlogs and the progress you’ve made is outstanding!!

the visuals and music are great aswell

good job dude


It is so unbelievable how far you have come.

I’ve been watching this post since around when it was created, and the project is going so well!
I’m incredibly surprised how well you’ve been creating this game considering you’re completely solo!

Great job!


Instead of fusion, this could potentially be a Mass Evaporator, which is a heightened form of fusion in which it turns all forms of mass into energy. The lasers could be jetstreams or lances of plasma to supply the reactor with mass. You can also try creating some massive fixtures that create EMFs for magnetohydrodynamic control.


This is a sick idea and I have never seen this idea be used before in a Roblox core game.

I support this idea by a longshot.


Amazing work, I just played pinewood reactor core for my first time, and I will say that yours looks much more realistic. When will the next post be, the last one was 59 days ago?


It’s the study of the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids


hello again guys its been a while sorry for the time I wasn’t home


Extremely well done!

I love the effects added to the images, and it does look very nice.
A few colors here and there on it would also look nice as well.
Maybe a dark shade of red or blue?

Otherwise a nice model indeed!



This looks amazing! I would love to some day work on a big core game and make a realisitc looking core game,


Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 4.32.42 PM
are these accurate or not?


This is so popular… whenever I search up “Roblox reactor core games” on Google Images this is the first thing that pops up. This is beyond amazing, and you have improved so much over the past two years, and I can’t wait for this to come out…