Working on a "Reactor CORE" type game [Devlog]

Yeah, I’ve always thought about making a Reactor sort of game, was thinking of making one similar to the Narkina 5 from star wars.


Hello, I haven’t posted in a while I was quite busy this year and now I’m back and I really hope that this project will get achieved, and since I created this topic I have acquired a lot of newer experiences and knowledge and because this is called a “Devlog” I was thinking of changing the way I post stuff on here so from now on I will explain what I’m showing why I added it and how it works this way you guys get more information about what I’m doing and I also get to know when I’m doing something wrong (feel free to tell me when you spot anything that you find wrong or ask me any questions).

Area loading sytem:

How the system works:

-well this post is about an “area loading” system that I recently added it uses a local script that tracks its player by knowing if he is inside one or more invisible areas by using (GetPartBoundsInBox)WorldRoot | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Each one of these areas have the name of the actual part of the map that they represent so for example the area used in the video sent in this post is called “ServiceHallway1” this way the game can know that the player has now entered “ServiceHallway1” and with that information it can load and unload parts of the map given their names by moving them to replicated storage or the opposite.


One of the objectives that I have for this game is for it to be optimized so I’m doing what I can to achieve that and other than this area loading system as you might have noticed in the video that I am also using special mesh parts that only have the faces that would be actually visible to the player (these meshes have collisions that are similar to normal parts so it shouldn’t be easier to noclip or anything)

-and lastly I don’t expect the players to be able to see the areas appearing and disappearing the video was only to show how it works I can set the trigger areas however I want, make it so the area is loaded or unloaded when the player is at a location from which he can’t see it, I really don’t know if this whole thing is a good idea or not I’m just going to see if it works out well or not.

“feel free to add anything”


This game looks great I have literrly been here since my first day on devforum and today I just got verified


i can’t wait to see where this project will go

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This is awesome! Glad to see you are still working on this :slight_smile:

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Is this going to be a fully functional game?

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Dude. The fact that you can script AND build phenomenal scenes is otherworldly to me. Keep it up!

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Very cool! Kind of funny that I got notified about this as I was working on a chunkloading implementation lol

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(old message: Were you able to make the outside not that visible? as at a bit of a distance or looking by the top its visible, Also do you use them in areas with a lot of lights or do you use a different method?)

New: Do you use them in places where its lit well? If so how did you make the unlit (darker) part of the planes not visible? (I love how it looks when u stand under it but the planes being visible is a problem)

Final Edit: Figured it out now only a little visible if you looking for it

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I’d recommend smooth shading some of your meshes in blender, unless your looking for a “blocky” look, other than that looks great!

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well yes I would really hope so

I don’t use the volumetric light system in well lit areas because it makes it not so visible

Building and map design

Future Lighting Tech:

ShadowMap Lighting Tech:

if you check older posts you might notice that my style of map building and designing has considerably changed in the way that I use less repeating paterns and more custom textures and focus on more numerous and unique details to go for a more “realistic” look while trying to maintain good performance by limiting the ammount of faces on parts:


If you wanted, you can add a laser failure. the laser would get more red and then the procedure would be paused and the technicians would go fix it. it could also have a laser control panel on each laser too. BTW: Nice job so far @NACER_RPG!