I’m working on a small project and I noticed that animations sometimes when played will shake or play not as I made it (not too sure how to word this) is this supposed to happen?
game link: dummy with scythe - Roblox
I’m working on a small project and I noticed that animations sometimes when played will shake or play not as I made it (not too sure how to word this) is this supposed to happen?
game link: dummy with scythe - Roblox
Have you tried adding a debounce to these animations? whenever you are holding down a key it is repeatadly pressed. I believe that you can set the debounce off whenever the animation is finished. if not you can just make a debounce for 0.1s after the animation time or whatever time you want before they can use it again.
The Stopped function is inherited from AnimationTrack.
Actually wait nevermind this isnt the issue. Whenever the key is pressed down or released the animation does play, so if you press it, it does the animation. Can I see the code for playing the animation?
(The animation plays when the key is pressed down, as the same when its released)
Hello thanks, I should have thought about debounce! I can’t get on my computer right now but I will send it when I can.
Sorry for the wait but I checked the script, playing the animation on key pressed/released seemed to be the problem, will keep in mind of it for future projects thanks!