Working Roblox App Store

By tmackintosh

*Note: I know I am awful at UI design, and the phone will be a lot smaller in game :laughing: *

I have created an App Store for my roleplay game where members of the community can create their own apps and upload them to the App Store. There is also an API for them to safely connect their apps to the App Store without causing any interference in the game.

Note: The API is slowly being advanced so more and more control is in the hands of the community

How To Create Your App
The systems work in a tile like manner. Whereby the app can be traversed by moving the “camera” across a large concatenation of UIs. Think of it like this:

Different pages can be accessed by moving the whole frame up, down, left and right essentially “positioning” pages below the phone’s screen.

Each page should be it’s own Frame or ScrollingFrame with the contents underneath it.

If you do not design your UI with this in mind, the UIAspectRatioConstraint may malform your app’s visuals.

If using ScrollingFrame’s make sure ClipsDescendants is set to true so pages do not overlap

Traversing the Pages
In order for users to access different pages, buttons should be included. In order for the buttons to be functional, you should put the following underneath each button’s object:

ObjectValue MoveUp
ObjectValue MoveDown
ObjectValue MoveLeft
ObjectValue MoveRight

Simply adding in ObjectValue instances underneath the button with the corresponding name will act as a page “hyperlink” to take you elsewhere in your app.

There is no limit on the amount of pages or size of your app, however be careful of lagging your users. If the phone detects too much lag, the app will shut down automatically and your app may be removed from the store.

Accessing external data
Sometimes it’s useful for your apps to update automatically. You are able to access the HttpService indirectly from your app. While you can provide the scripts and logic behind these requests, you will need to talk to a developer to get them functioning in-game.

I am currently adapting this API to include your own scripts over time but for now, as the system is new, you will need to talk to a developer about creating dynamic apps.


This is awesome!!! Super helpful for RP’s, showcases, adventure games and more!

something that would be cool:
Custom homepages for the apps! Like images, details, and maybe apps cost an in game currency? That would be SICK!!!

But overall, amazing job on this!

This looks great, clean up the phone png a bit, the size is good but maybe put it too the side but aside from that this is amazing and the UI is great

This looks fantastic! I think you did a wonderful job making this!

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Hi thanks for the feedback :smiley:

Custom homepages are already functional in the Settings app on the phone you can see where you can adjust the background image, the text size and text colour.

The App Store is already hooked up to the game’s economy system where people can actually get paid for people downloading their apps.

:joy: thanks. The first notes section of the video pretty much answers that suggestion but with the PNG not very good at images and image editing :cry:

By homepage I meant like an app homepage. where apps can have their own thumbnails, images, descriptions, and age ratings. : )