Hi! I’m not a Roblox employee so I can reply freely to this in a way that Roblox staff can’t. I’m also in a position where I know a lot about the things you posted about and thus can provide some realistic responses. If I ignore a point, it’s because it doesn’t apply here since this is post is from a specific team and not Roblox leadership.
This is a security choice. You may be smart enough to not just put a random plugin someone wrote into the BuiltInPlugins folder. Other people aren’t, and the APIs that a BuiltInPlugin has access to are easily abused.
This is, incidentally, the same reason I was given for no debugger access from plugins (yet): being able to set local values is a valuable part of the debugger but unrestricted access to a setlocal
function effectively allows RCE.
While this decision is outside the control of this team (aka you’re yelling at nothing because they can’t change this), the reason that Roblox’s builtin plugins are precompile is exactly the same reason that you’d precompile anything: it takes time for code to compile.
When large parts of Studio’s functionality are written with Luau, you really cannot waste the time it’d take to compile and then load those plugins. This is a significant enough problem that there’s now Studio setting to just outright stop loading the builtin plugins because they take too long to load. It would be much worse without precompiling them.
In regards to the source code though I’d love it if it was open source. It wouldn’t be terribly usable since everything relies upon locked down APIs, but it’d still be nice to have.
roblox-cli kinda sucks and you don’t want it. “Ships at a distance” and all that, but the reality is that roblox-cli as far as I know doesn’t even have a codeowner internally.
Otherwise yes I am with you completely. I think the Luau execution API is disappointing and I would rather we have something else. But I also have talked extensively with the team behind it and I begrudgingly accept their reasonings, which DevelopmentDeadline listed above.
I would love for this to happen too, and so would some people at Roblox. Like the announcement says:
“Researching” here is code for “I don’t want to promise anything because it’s not something that’s guaranteed” but I suppose you think it’s corporate doublespeak. I can’t really blame you except say that I know it isn’t.
Their internal file sync sucks and you don’t want it. Ask people who have used it daily if you want but it’s… not amazing. Especially not compared to other solutions like Rojo and Argon.
The original alpha version of Luau file syncing? Also not amazing. It’s good that it was scrapped, even though it means that things have been delayed. I’m very happy that people at Roblox actually listened to feedback on it rather than releasing a bad product.
This reply has gone on long enough, so I won’t keep going too much longer. What you should take away from this is that things are never as simple as you want them to be.
Almost all of the things you listed are decisions made by other teams, historical decisions, or something that requires e.g. legal approval. You have to temper your expectations. People are doing the best they can.
I’m happy to talk about this more in DMs if you want to have an actual back and forth on why I feel the way I do, but let’s not clog up this thread any more than we have.