Working together to build an Open Roblox Platform

That all looks good! Sorry for throwing my hat in the arena without thoroughly reading through everything that was said beforehand :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing what comes of this and hope I can provide some useful input!


I can make feature requests for these separately, but in yes. In essence there’s two main concepts here:

  1. The ability to run Studio without the UI, since it’s a lot of overhead we don’t need for automation
  2. The ability to control Studio via CLI. This can be bypassed to some extent using plugins and scripts, but a lot of things can only be done via the UI right now.

My example is that I’d like to write a script to run tests in Studio. It is ridiculous if I have to send multiple HTTP requests to do this, since I have Studio on my system locally. So, my natural inclination is to try and run it via CLI… While this is possible, it doesn’t work for testing for a few reasons:

  1. You can’t pass information in and out of Studio easily.
  2. You can’t mimic the behavior of “Run” via Plugin. RunService:Run starts a simulation, but it doesn’t mimic the actual behavior of Studio when you press Run.

These are both solvable problems, but it would be awesome if they were both easier. I’m less focused on a headless tool and more focused on a version of Studio that I can actually use with external scripts, since it’s silly how many hoops we currently have to jump through to use Studio automatically.

Remotely, it’s a different story of course, but locally? Please I just want to use the thing I already have installed and that people already use for development.


wasn’t there a -script studio flag or was that removed?

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Does this also have the potential for the possibility for offline editing in studio? I think it would be an amazing feature, and could help developers a lot in situations where the internet or power is down.

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It sounds like you’re describing the Community Feedback program here, which is under an NDA.

Most of your post is saying this is for “security” but to me, this sounds more like obfuscation. Were people really just “putting builtin plugins in their folder”? Does Roblox have any telemetry data or feature requests to suggest this? It seems like a very far-fetched claim. The only instance of this I can think of is when they’ve suggested doing it themselves, to rollback a broken build of one of those plugins.

Either way and at the end of the day, you have to have “Internal Mode” or be a “Soothsayer” (legitimately or not), and I use these features daily that you state “suck”. Accessing this is not exactly that hard and possible in multiple different ways. I come across the internal mode banner on social media infrequently. When I use these features, RBXP files and InternalSyncService work fine for me, but you could argue that Rojo is preferential in certain various ways. It’s already common place.

Roblox literally fired the original creator of Rojo, while he provided a statement later saying he was labeled “ringleader of engineering dissent”. Colorful word for whose tools we talk about and use here.

Have you used absolutely any of these features or are you just talking out of your mouth here? Is this what they’re pushing in CFP?


I have no problem talking about my view in a public forum when they’re making an announcement post telling us that they’re making things more open, while they proceed to do the polar opposite. Otherwise, I would have just stayed quiet as usual, the DevForum kind of sucks now compared to many years ago. I’m mostly talking into a void here, but this thread is not being clogged up by someone saying they’re doing the opposite, that’s just honest feedback. If Roblox loves feedback so much, none of what I’m saying should hurt that much.

I also understand Roblox is a business, and a public one with investors now after IPOing looking to drive profits and most of this is a non-concern for them. My expectations are already tempered knowing none of this is a priority for how they operate. But, if Roblox is going to say their end goal is to do the opposite in this colorful borderline announcement, I will absolutely speak up about that.

Also, to correct myself on removing FFlags, a new channel called “ZEnableZstdForClientSettings” that was conveniently privated after I posted this, suggests they’re just putting it behind a compression algorithm. Again… this is exactly what I’m talking about and how Roblox operates trying to remove or obfuscate features. I’m also not sure how they don’t think someone will post an editor on GitHub. Do they not remember how they got into this “mess” (as in for them, people editing FFlags) in the first place?

TLDR: I understand Roblox is a SaaS company and virtually none of what I’m talking about is a priority. I do not believe security through obscurity is security. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t use these features that you state suck, and will speak up about that.


I am not. While I am technically a member of that program, I’ve used it I think three times ever because most of what’s discussed in it isn’t really of interest to me. I am under NDA for a few things but nothing that I talked about in this post, obviously.

No, most of my knowledge just comes from experience and talking to engineers over the years. I was in a Discord server with the engineer that implemented signing for built-in plugins, as an example, so I was able to ask him questions about why directly.

You may not realize it, but prior to builtin plugins being precompiled (aka: they were still easily modifiable), Roblox implemented signing of them. This is the main thing stopping you from loading them, and it was implemented specifically to combat people dropping outdated or malicious plugins into Studio. Yes, this was something that actually happened. It’s stupid that people fell for it but you must remember that a large portion of Roblox’s audience are literally children, so they fall for dumb things all the time.

You lack critical context for this, but I won’t get into it. The important part is that the leadership that fired him is no longer at Roblox (I have verified this with other engineers). I won’t post anything else about that here because it’s not relevant to this discussion and hasn’t been for years.

It may not be obvious but I’ve been around the block a few times. I’m a long-time veteran of this platform and I’ve used more garbage tools than you can possibly imagine. Hell, I used precursor tools to Rojo, including one I wrote. I don’t know what they’re “pushing” in the CFP program but it’s rather insulting to suggest I got my opinion from someone else rather than forming it on my own.

To directly answer your question: Yes, I have used their internal script syncing tool and it is bad. Downright terrible, even, compared to the alternatives. It being released publicly wouldn’t have won anyone’s favor.

I can’t tell if you actually believe this or you’re just being disingenuous. I’m going to let you simmer on why someone might want to compress data that’s sent to clients from a server. If you can’t figure that one out on your own, I don’t know what to tell you.


This feels like it’s becoming far too opinionated. Frankly, I do not care about you being a long-time veteran of the platform at all, this isn’t the talent hub. Just interested in speaking mostly history here. Agree to disagree, but you being a “veteran” doesn’t change anything I said.

Also, your reason for compressing a local file that’s already typically a {} by default on most clients (you could argue mobile clients have some, but they’re pulled from the CDN and will be instantly overwritten if you change it, talking about flag overrides here) is telling me you have no idea what you’re talking about. Again, do you use literally any of this tooling in your workflows? It doesn’t sound like you know what you’re talking about.

Are you going to describe for everyone what exactly is so bad, crap, and downright terrible about these tools or continue to talk nonsense? This isn’t reassuring me if that’s what you think it is, I already expected them not to respond to anything I said.


Will this strictly be for within Roblox Studio, or will we be able to do this through external programs, such as say, I as a developer wanted to have a program that communicates to the Roblox Client a flight-sticks and throttle’s inputs through to a Roblox clientside Script to handle the information, something the Roblox Engine cannot access naturally, as long as the user runs the external program?
If so that would be awesome for allowing developers to provide additional support that may be for edge-cases, i.e. the example of a HOTAS controller being supported for a specific game. It’d open up the modularity and opportunities that developers can explore, perhaps someone wants to offload high performance tasks to an program designed specifically to compute the task, or they want to access certain features such as raytracing cores to apply better lighting, or you want to add additional VR tracking points. Just a few ideas of many.

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This is an interesting question. Right now we are just thinking of creation/edit time support.


Whilst it’s true that Studio Script Sync will make it easier to edit your code offline, as @skywise84 mentioned in the Creator AMA last week, we are not currently planning offline support in Roblox Studio. Creator AMA (RDC 2024) with Nick and Tian [September 19, 2024] - #130


I’ve passed this along to the relevant team - can’t promise anything more than that, but it’s on their radar at least.


This Beta has shipped!


Thank you so much dude, if you can notice me anything related I’d be glad!


An early preview of this is now available in Studio as an opt-in feature.


We made an important first step here last month, by shipping require by string in the Roblox engine!