Working with AssetTypes not Listed in HumanoidDescription Properties

Hello. I am in the process of creating an in-game character editor. I have found the open source code to be very helpful, although I’m struggling to find documentation for newer asset types.
I have a client-side clone in a World Model and was originally editing via the client side and trying to push to server but that wasn’t working so now I make the character edits on the server side and send to client. I got accessories to work via :Add Accessory (see code below).

However, I notice that updates to the Humanoid Description revert the character to an earlier state. If all assettypes had a direct map to the humanoid description, it would be an easy solution, but I was wondering if there was any way to account for other asset types. How do these usually get applied to the character when it’s not being scripted? Is there any documentation I can reference?