Working with water terrain

Hello fellow roblox developers!

I am trying to make a pool in one of my builds, but it is quite hard to work with the terrain tool, as in you don’t have many options for size. Mine is sort of bulky because of the roundness of the water.

How would you achieve of doing something like this with thin walls, and a flat water surface?

(Credits to VOXEL: SEGI LIGHTING - Roblox).


Using the Part to Terrain Plugin.


Use Part to Terrain, it helps out with all terrains, just make a part where you want the pool’s water to be, and use the plugin to change it into water. Here’s a link:


There are two ways you can go about doing this. The first is using a part to terrain plugin as said before, the second is using regions/ the sea level tool, the sea level tools lets you create bodies of whatever size you want. Really simple to use and in my experience easier and faster to use than the part to terrain method.

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I know that I’m supposed to use (solution) as a way to thank people… But thank you all, this has helped me out so much. :smile: