What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
Hey, so i’ve been tryna make a script that makes a part go from location A - location B and keep repeating.
I have a script with what i think should make it work which i’ll show below
local Part = game.Workspace.MovingDamager -- Part Name
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Pos = Vector3.new(37.41, 41.045, -1069.938) -- That's where i want to part to go and then come back to the begginging location
local Moving_Info = TweenInfo.new(
2.5, -- how long i want each transition to be
10, -- The amount of time i want it to repeat
true, --Whether you want it to reverse back to the original position when it's done
0 -- how much time should delay between each repitition
TweenService:Create(Part, Moving_Info, {Position = Pos}):Play()
If you could help, i’ll be thankful.