Workspace Messes up After Creating Part

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    To not have the workspace look strange after running this code.

  2. What is the issue?
    Whenever I run the code below, this sometimes happens. It occurs on the client and server separately, and it’s more likely to happen on the server. If I click on the baseplate/workspace in studio in particular the bug goes away, but that’s not possible outside of studio. As for a more detailed description on what’s going on, from what I understand the baseplate only turns invisible, spawnpoints that are invisible gain a marble random material and turn visible, and if they’re visible they get a odd checkboard pattern. However, checking the parts’ properties won’t reveal anything out of place.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I’ve tried looking up this bug pretty much everywhere and found nothing. I’ve looked through as many studio/roblox settings as I understand and found nothing out of place. I’ve ran this code on a completely new game inside of ServerScriptService.

The code:

local function CreatePart(cframe)
	local part ="Part")
	part.Parent = workspace
	--Parenting causes weirdness?
	return part

local partcframe =, 3, 0))

the code you’ve stated does nothing, rather than create a part…

perhaps you have different scripts that make all of that?

You return the part, but to what? CreatePart is not setup to be a variable.

It would need to be:

local part = CreatePart(partcframe)

But why you would want that, I don’t know.

You send a CFrame to CreatePart but then don’t use it.


I’m not sure the code above is the issue with your baseplate. It doesn’t look like it is doing anything but creating a standard BasePart and parenting it to Workspace.

You mentioned transparency, spawn points, marble material…

Where is the code for all that stuff?

I’ve encountered something similar.
It might be related to a random part being too far/too large.

I’ve ran this code on a completely new game. Still happens.

I’ve loaded this code in ServerScriptService inside a completely new game, no other code, no other parts besides the template baseplate and spawn point. I have no clue why the transparency is changing or why invisible things are gaining random materials.

As for the actual use of the code, I’m using it for a lot of things in another game I’m making. This bug I’m describing occurs on both the game I’m working on and the new empty game.

Is there a chance you could find out what’s causing it (like the code that I found that causes it), unless it just happens spontaneously?

Update: I decided to test your theory, and it actually seems to hold up. I shrunk the baseplate down to about a tenth it’s size and now upon running the code it seems it the problem isn’t occurring anymore, although the problem is random, so I can’t be 100% sure. Unfortunately shrinking the baseplate is more of a band-aid solution to this problem, and finding a better solution would be ideal.

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Check your plugins, that is the only reason if it is happening in other games as well.

I just tried uninstalling all of my plugins, and then running the code in another new game, and it’s still occurring. Is there a possibility plugins can persist beyond an uninstall and moving to a new game?

Sounds very similar to what was happening to me in studio.

Happened when I created a part.
Also had the weird texture thing, where it applied a texture to things/

ugh, that’s annoying. Hopefully we can both get a solution to whatever this problem is.

It seems like you were able to produce it outside of playtest mode while I could only produce it inside playtest mode. Did it also occur in playtest mode as well?


I had it happen only once in studio, when I pressed ‘play’. That was when I first noticed it happen and it sort of made me jump, because I had a texture for houses, and it applied that texture to my whole terrain landscape, and so it was sort of like a jump scare, everything went black, and the lights on the house windows almost looked like eyes, really freaked me out.

Other than that time, it was always just in studio, not in play mode, but just edit mode, mainly when placing a part or selecting a part after moving the camera.

I wish I was able to give specific steps to make this happen, maybe that would have helped them solve the issue.

I wish you well in your development.

I placed your code exactly as provided into a blank file.

Screenshot when loaded:

Screenshot 10 Seconds later:

Here is the file if you want to open it and see if you get the same results:

SpawnPart.rbxl (49.6 KB)

I have to say, Test Mode is often very unreliable. Especially if testing with 2+ players.

I have constant problems with all sorts of things when in Test Mode.

Yesterday I kept getting a flood of errors in the Output and the Roblox GUI elements would not load. Just one of many examples of problems in Test Mode.

When I want to test for real, I usually publish a private version and play online with a computer and friend or just use a cell pone for the second player.

Ran your place and this happened serverside first try… maybe roblox studio doesn’t like me?

My main worry is that I had published my game and tested it, and it occurred one of the times I was using the published version.

You mean you are running in Test Mode?

So you have at least 3 copies of Rolbox open.

  1. Working File
  2. Server
  3. Player 1

You may be having a memory issues.

You might want to run some disk utilities to cleanup your machine and free up memory.

I’m currently on a friend’s computer that I could see having memory issues, but I’ve run it on my own computer as well which has a pretty good amount of memory and it still happens. I can check on my own computer later today, but even checking on my friend’s computer the memory only gets up to 60%.

If you’re talking about actual storage space, both computers have a fair amount left open on the local disk.