Parts Disappearing when Moving Camera

This might be related to this issue I had a while back.

Today I loaded up studio, everything looked normal as it should.

Then the only think I did was to hold the right mouse button down, to move the camera (no other keys held) and the entire scene flashed a bunch of dark textures on the parts then the parts became invisible.

Then when I would move the mouse (while still holding the right mouse to move camera) and the cursor would go over a part, and highlight it, the part would appear (to some extent, not the basepart) and it ended up looking like this

Still moving the camera around, with right mouse (no movement from the keys) the entire scene popped in again normally

Then if I just slightly moved the camera (only orientation still no translation) some parts disappeared

Then moving the camera a bit more, even more parts disappeared again

But if I find that ‘sweet spot’ the whole scene becomes visible again.

This place file is an offline file that I have been loading and working with for the last month or two, never had the issue with it before.
My system has not been reset in a few days, however, I have spent years of developing on Roblox and I often go weeks without resetting my system, and never have these problems (except last year in the link I posted of a similar issue)

System info:

Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7-3770 4 Core 3.40 ghz
16 gb ram

gpu nvidia GeForce gtx 1050 Ti
4 gig ram


Loaded studio this morning, clicked new project, and got this…

oops, I lost the screen capture… but it was …
only the spawn pad showing, the baseplate was invisible.
However, on the spawn pad, it had the baseplate texture with the spawn texture both being displayed on the pad.

Moving the camera had no effect, so I had to actually click on the baseplate in the Explorer window under world, and it instantly became visible and the texture on the spawn pad changed to only the spawn sun image.

Could you post a repro file as simple as possible that causes the bug, please?

It happens at odd times, like I said, the latest time , I just opened studio and clicked ‘new’ and let it open a new project.

What I can do, is the next time it happens, save the place file, and send you that.

Is it Graphics Quality? Did you try that?

Will try that next occurrence.

Ok, just opened studio, created a new project.
It looked ok, until I moved the camera, then it glitched out again

So, I immediately saved the place
WeirdBaseplate.rbxl (53.3 KB)

Then I messed with the render settings, and nothing seemed to make any difference, and pivoting the camera doesn’t seem to help nor does translating the camera.


I cannot repro this, I even turned on “Grid View” to see if the spawn point even looked similar, but…



It could be something weird with the Camera, you can select it in Explorer and press Delete to reset it.

Maybe a plugin you have installed?

Maybe a GPU tuning program?

Have you tried updating your graphics drivers and Windows? This could be some weird shader corruption, so you could also try re-installing Roblox.

I often go years without resetting my PC, in fact, I’ve only ever done it once. You shouldn’t have to reset your PC that often unless there is something wrong with it.

Just to clarify a few points.

  1. It only started happening in the later half of 2023 (or whenever I posted the original bug report that I linked at the top of this current report), and there have been no changes to the plugins I have installed, or even the specs of my PC (this is primarily a work pc, so it stays very static)

  2. I check for updated graphics drivers every one to two weeks, and have updated the driver several times since this issue stated happening.

  3. When I say ‘resetting my system’ that is probably a poor choice of words, what I mean to say is that I go weeks without ‘turning off and on again’ my pc (in reality I might go one week without a power off and on) However, this latest happening, I had ‘reset’ (off, on) only the day before.

  4. Also I might not have mentioned, I did delete studio, and reinstall since this started happening.

Just my own personal feelings about this issue are…
Perhaps it is happening after I play certain games on this pc, (only recently later in the year I have been playing Valheim, and this issue has happened only after I have ran a Valheim session (but that does not mean it happens EVERY time I run a Valheim session).

Perhaps its just an issue with my hardware, maybe its just getting old? Maybe the newer updates for studio aren’t as supportive of my hardware?

Perhaps I do need to actually ‘reset’ my pc? Maybe there are software issues that might cause this?

No matter what my thoughts on this are, due to the sudden appearance of this issue, and the lack of change on my system, along with how frequent it happens (at least once or twice a week) I thought it would be wise to at least bring this to the attention of Roblox, even if I feel it might be more of my issue than theirs.


I have also had this issue for about a month and a half now. This is paired with another visual bug where the Roblox Studio window flashes repetitively.

Current Bug


  1. Disable full-screen optimizations and apply changes
  2. Load Roblox Studio (It seems to have a better chance of replicating when focusing on another window while booting up)
  3. Open the place you want to edit
  4. While the place is loading, go onto a secondary monitor and focus on another window
  5. If done successfully, dragging an object in the workspace or moving your camera will cause other parts to disappear, items with transparency to lose that property, and objects with textures to lose those textures.

Note that this bug has a slight chance factor to it, but it will happen after a few attempts

The video below shows how to replicate the bug:
The video has been sped up 1.5x to go under 10MB

How Long?
I have personally started experiencing this bug roughly 2 to 3 weeks ago.

As I said before, there is another bug that occurs with Roblox Studio where the window will start subtly flashing, mainly after playtesting. I’m not sure if it is a different bug, but if I get permission I can make another message later.



This, yes, most if not every time it has happened to me, it was when I start studio loading and then I will open another window, or close out some windows, either way, I defocus the studio window while loading up.